Volume € 160 million - of which 90 million for Strabag
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Goldman Sachs lowers target price of Strabag ... As part of a sector study on the European construction sector, the analysts at Gold ... Deripaska will Strabag stake Zuru ...The Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska wants its 25 percent share of the österreichisc ...Strabag expects to award 500 million .- ...
Back in August could Strabag the contract for the construction of the Olympic ...
A consortium led by Strabag to build in Devyna near the Bulgarian town of Varna, a cement plant. The order for the entire project is 160 million €, of which € 90 million to Strabag, the company said on Wednesday. The plant will have a daily capacity of 7,000 tons and arise at the site of an existing cement factory for the client Devnya Cement AD, a subsidiary of Italcementi SpA. Consortium of Strabag is the Chinese CMBI, which runs the plant. The work will be started in September 2010 and be completed within 24 months.